Line Striping Pros

Asphalt Maintenance Done Right

Asphalt Maintenance doubles the life of your blacktop. Besides your sign,
the first thing customers see of your business is your parking lot.

Our 3-Step Process Will Ensure Beautiful Results Every Time

1. Clean the Surface

Our Line Striping Pros team will clean the surface of your black top and cut any needed grass/weeds back to their proper height to prepare your parking lot for asphalt maintenance. This process will ensure that once our team is finished tarring, we achieve proper adhesion of the tar to prolong the life of your parking lot.

2. Fill Cracks (As Needed)

Our Line Striping Pros team will fill any cracks as needed (.25 inch and larger) with rubberized tar. This will keep unwanted water from penetrating and creating moisture issues underneath the blacktop’s surface.

3. Edge the Parking Lot

Our Line Striping Pros team will edge the parking lot so that the sealer does not connect with other surfaces that meet the parking lot. We do this because it allows the final product to look professional and provide a great first impression for your customers.

Request An Estimate!

Fill out the form below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.